研究室の活性を内外にアピールし、実績として残していくのが論文による公表です。下線つきの論文はクリックするとPubMedにリンクしているのでABSTRACTが読めます。The followings are recent publications (Please click the underlined to see ABSTRACT available in PubMed).


Publications 2017


Oh, S., Suzuki, Y., Hayashi. S., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Potency of cashew nut shell liquid in rumen modulation under different dietary conditions and indication of its surfactant action against rumen bacteria. Journal of Animal Science and Technology 59: 27. 2017. (Open Access)


Myint, H., Kishi, H., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Effect of chickpea husk dietary supplementation on blood and cecal parameters in rats. Animal Science Journal, 88: 372-378. 2017.


Myint, H., Iwahashi, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Effect of soybean husk supplementation on the fecal fermentation metabolites and microbiota of dogs. Animal Science Journal, 88: 1730-1736. 2017. 


Oh, S., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Effect of ginkgo extract supplementation on in vitro rumen fermentation and bacterial profiles under different dietary conditions. Animal Science Journal, 88: 1737-1743. 2017.


Weimar, M.R., Cheung, J., Dey, D., McSweeney, C., Morrison, M., Kobayashi, Y., Whitman, W.B., Carbone, V., Schofield, L.R., Ronimus, R.S., Cook, G.M. Development of multiwell-plate methods using pure cultures of methanogens to identify new inhibitors for suppressing ruminant methane emissions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83: e00396-17. 2017.


Oh, S., Shintani, R., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Ginkgo fruit extract as an additive to modify rumen microbiota and fermentation and to mitigate methane production. Journal of Dairy Science, 100: 1923-1934. 2017.


Myint, H., Kishi, H., Iwahashi, Y., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Bean husk, an agricultural by-product having functionality in animal nutrition and health. 栄養生理研究会報Vol. 61, No2 13-19. 2017.


Oh, S., Suzuki Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Potency of ginkgo fruit for modulation of rumen microbiota and fermentation. 栄養生理研究会報Vol. 61, No2 33-41. 2017.


Takahashi, H., Suzuki, Y., Gotoh, T., Mohamed, J., Alway, S. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate increases autophagy signaling in resting and unloaded plantaris muscles but selectively suppresses autophagy protein abundance in reloaded muscles of aged rats. Experimental Gerontology, 92: 56-66. 2017.


芳賀 聡,中野 美和,宮地 慎,石崎 宏,松山 裕城,鈴木 裕,北山 峻,小林 洋介,加藤 和雄,盧 尚建.ウシ組織におけるα-トコフェロール体内動態関連遺伝子の発現特性に関する研究.栄養生理研究会報 Vol. 61, No1 9-19. 2017.


Nishihara K, Kobayashi R, Suzuki Y, Sato K, Katoh K, Roh S. Post-prandial decrease in plasma growth hormone levels is not related to the increase in plasma insulin levels in goats. Asian-Australas Journal of Anim Sciences. 30: 1696-1701. 2017.


小池聡 新生子牛の成長に伴うルーメン機能発達と細菌叢形成. 臨床獣医. 35, 10-13. 2017.


Satoshi Koike, Roderick Mackie and Rustam Aminov. Agricultural use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. In: Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Natural Environments and Long-Term Effects (Salvador Mirete and Marcos López Pérez Eds), Nova Science Publishers, 217-250. 2017.


Saegusa, A., Inouchi, K., Ueno, M., Inabu, Y., Koike, S., Sugino, T., Oba, M. Effects of partial replacement of corn grain with lactose in calf starters on ruminal fermentation and growth performance. Journal of Dairy Science 100: 6177-6186. 2017.


Inabu, Y., Saegusa, A., Inouchi, Koike, S., Oba, M., Sugino, T. Plasma concentrations of glucagon-like peptide 1 and 2 in calves fed calf starters containing lactose. Journal of Dairy Science 100: 9361-9371. 2017.