学会発表(Presentations)は、学生の修行の場です.国内・外の招待講演(Invited talks)も末尾につけました.


Presentations 2018


中光大輔・小池聡・鈴木裕・小林泰男.黒毛和種ルーメン由来新規デンプン分解菌の増殖因子の探索.日本畜産学会第124回大会.東京大学 弥生キャンパス.2018328-30日.(講演要旨 P125. I29-02).



Miura, H., Koike, S., Mukai, K., Suzuki, Y., Kobayashi, Y. Evaluation of trehalose as a functional material to improve gut health in preweaned calves. Rowett-INRA 2018 Gut Microbiology, Aberdeen, UK. Jun 11-14. 2018. (Poster).

Kobayashi, R., Nagaoka, K., Nishimura, N., Koike, S., Takahashi, E., Niimi, K., Murase, H., Kinjo, T., Inoue, R. Meta-analysis of gastrointestinal microbiota in 8 different animal species. Rowett-INRA 2018 Gut Microbiology, Aberdeen, UK. Jun 11-14. 2018. (Poster).

Suzuki. Y., Kubota. K., Miura. H., Haga. S., Roh. S., Koike. S., Kobayashi. Y. The effect of chemerin as a host-derived factor on intestinal microbial activity in calves. 2018 ASAS-CSAS, Vancouver, Canada. July 8-12. 2018. (Oral)

Watabe, Y., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Shimamoto, S., Kobayashi, Y. Enhancement of ruminal acetate production by supplementing cellulose acetate, a new feed additive candidate. 10th International Symposium on Nutrition of Herbivores, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Sep. 2-6. 2018. (Poster).


小林泰男 ルーメン発酵の調節:ルーメン微生物の重要性.養牛セミナー(ミヤリサン製薬).岡山コンベンションセンター.201869日.
