学会発表(Presentations)は、学生の修行の場です。国内・外の招待講演(Invited talks)も末尾につけました。2000年以降のものをのせました。学生奮闘中の写真もそのうちアップします!


Presentations 2007


山野秀尚・高津一朗・沢辺佳彦・鈴木正嗣・小林泰男. 洞爺湖中島に生息する野生エゾシカのルーメン発酵と細菌叢の季節変動.栄養生理研究会報. 51:88-89.2007


山野秀尚・高津一朗・沢辺佳彦・鈴木正嗣・小林泰男. 洞爺湖中島に生息する野生エゾシカのルーメン発酵と細菌叢の季節変動.  107回日本畜産学会大会. 麻布大学. 2007327-29日(講演要旨p.23.


中村哲士・小池 聡・谷川珠子・小林泰男. 破砕とうもろこしサイレージに付着するルーメン細菌群の解析. 第107回日本畜産学会大会. 麻布大学. 2007327-29日(講演要旨p.25.


後藤秀俊・矢吹博芳・真貝拓三・小池 聡・小林泰男. 未培養ルーメン細菌群U2の分離・培養化.  107回日本畜産学会大会. 麻布大学. 2007327-29日(講演要旨p.25.


鈴木亮・小池聡・小林泰男. ルーメン発酵に及ぼすビオチンの影響:予報. 第62回北海道畜産学会大会. 帯広畜産大学. 200795-6日 (講演要旨p.35).


竹田将悠規・小池聡・小林泰男. ルーメン内繊維片に付着する未知細菌の分離・培養化. 第62回北海道畜産学会大会. 帯広畜産大学. 200795-6日 (講演要旨p.35).



Koike, S, H. Goto, H. Yabuki, T. Shinkai and Y. Kobayashi. Isolation and partial characterization of an uncultured fiber-associated bacterium from sheep rumen. 2007 Conference on Gastrointestinal Function. p.41. Chicago, USA, April 16-18. 2007. (Poster)


Koike, S., A. Yannarell, I. G. Krapac, H. D. Oliver, J. C. Chee-Sanford, R. I. Aminov, and R. I. Mackie. Monitoring and source tracking of tetracycline resistance genes in lagoons and groundwater underlying swine production facilities. 2007 Conference on Gastrointestinal Function. p.35. Chicago, USA, April 16-18. 2007. (Poster)


Kobayashi, Y. Quantitative detection and isolation of uncultured rumen bacteria that are associated with fiber. 5th International Symposium on Anaerobic Microbiology. Domžale, Slovenia. June 21-24. 2007. (Oral)


Suzuki, R., S. Koike and Y. Kobayashi. Influence of biotin on rumen fermentation: preliminary evaluations. The 6th Joint Symposium of Japan-Korea-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. p.13. Hangzho, China, September 12-15. 2007. (Oral)


Ueki, T., T. Shinkai, S. Koike and Y. Kobayashi. Analysis of rumen fibrolytic bacterial consortia developed on plant fragment. The 6th Joint Symposium of Japan-Korea-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. p.22. Hangzho, China, September 12-15. 2007. (Oral)


Takeda, M., S. Koike and Y. Kobayashi. Exploration of fiber-attaching rumen bacteria phylogenetically affiliated with undescribed groups. The 6th Joint Symposium of Japan-Korea-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. p.26. Hangzho, China, September 12-15. 2007. (Oral)


Koike, S., K. Sakai, H. Goto, Y. Handa, E. Miyagawa and Y. Kobayashi. Characterization of previously uncultured fiber-attaching bacteria isolated from the rumen. The 6th Joint Symposium of Japan-Korea-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. p.29. Hangzho, China, September 12-15. 2007. (Oral)



Kobayashi, Y. Importance of Fibrobacter succinogenes in rumen fiber digestion revealed by ecological and physiological characterization. 5th International Symposium on Anaerobic Microbiology. Domžale, Slovenia. June 21-24. 2007. (Oral)

