About the Speakers

Mark Adams is a Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia). He is also Dean of the Faculty. The research interests of Mark's lab include nutrient cycling in native forests, water use by woody plants, carbon use efficiency of plants and their adaptation to environmental changes. For more information, please see his home page.

Tim Colmer is a Winthrop Professor in the School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia). He is also President Elect of the Australian Society of Plant Scientists. Tim's lab focuses on the physiological and biochemical traits associated with plant adaptation to salinity and flooding, and the regulation of these traits in crop plants. For more information, please see his home page.

Ian Edwards is the managing director of Edstar Genetics (Perth, Australia) and an Adjunct Professor in the School of Plant Biology at the University of Western Australia. Edstar Genetics is involved in cereal breeding and new wheat product development. Edstar is also engaged with startup Australian biotechnology companies in providing management and governance advice. For more information, please see the website.

Hiroo Fukuda is a Professor in the University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), a member of the Science Council of Japan and President of the Botanical Society of Japan. Fukuda's research is focused on understanding the regulation of plant vascular system formation. Recently he also started a group study on plant biomass. For more information, please see his website.

Derek Goto is an Associate Professor in the Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan). Derek’s lab is focused on understanding how root-knot nematodes reprogram plant cells to initiate a permanent infection site inside the roots of host plants. For more information, please see his lab website.

Giles Hardy is a Professor in Forest Pathology and Director of the Western Australian Centre of Excellence for Climate Change, Woodland and Forest Health, Murdoch University (Perth, Australia). Giles's research group focuses on understanding the impact of diseases on ecosystem function and health in both managed and natural ecosystems. For more information, please visit the Centre website.

Mike Jones is Professor of Agricultural Biotechnology and Director of the Western Australian State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre (SABC), Murdoch University (Perth, Australia). Mike’s research group focuses on understanding and controlling plant virus and nematode crop pathogens, including the interface between agricultural crops and native plants. For more information, please visit the SABC website.

Masayoshi Kawaguchi is a Professor in the Division of Biological Systems, National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB, Okazaki, Japan). Masayoshi’s lab is elucidating the signaling pathways that enable plants to establish symbiotic interactions with beneficial microorganisms. For more information, please see his lab website.

Hans Lambers is Head of the School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia). Hans' lab is focused on understanding mineral nutrition of Australian native plants, phosphorus nutrition of crop and pasture legumes, and plant water relations.. For more information, please see his home page.

Graham O'Hara is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, and Dean of Graduate Studies, Murdoch University (Perth, Australia). Graham's research group studies biological nitrogen fixation, especially the biology of the root nodule bacteria that forms symbiotic interactions with legume plants. For more information, please see the following website.

Masaru Ohme-Takagi is a Group Leader in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST; Tsukuba, Japan). Masaru's lab focuses on understanding the role of transcription factors in regulating key plant processes. He also developed the novel CRES-T gene-silencing technology for transcription factor analysis and use in industry and agriculture. For more information, please see his lab website.

Takuya Suzaki is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Biological Systems, National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB, Okazaki, Japan). Takuya studies the network regulating rhizobia symbiosis in legumes, with emphasis on hormone signaling pathways. For more information, please see the lab website.

Milos Tanurdzic is a lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia). Milos' lab is investigating how epigenetic states are maintained in plant genomes to understand how epigenetic mechanisms contribute to plant development, adaptation and evolution. For more information, please see his webpage.